A Masterpiece Of Culinary Art.

"Fruit carving" a culinary art master piece that always being a specialty in food service. It has been along time that fruit carving being one of the enhancement to the food display. Usually fruit carving is placed at the buffet counter as centerpiece. But now day fruit carving has play many role then just a food display before. It is now being carved to be a centerpiece for greeting, table display, and also being set as masterpiece display especially in wedding ceremony, launching, and even in birthday party. unlike before, fruit carved in many form but the most popular is flower motive, and now day greeting word are also include such as "selamat Pengantin Baru", Happy Birthday", "Thank You" and even logos also being carved. One fruit carving Display may content numbers of fruit between 3 and sometime can be up to 11 difference type of fruit.

Type of fruit used.
Basically fruit that being carved is Papaya, Water melon, honey Dew, Rock Melon,sun Melon, and few more. selection of this fruit are based on their color of out side and inside of the fruit, and most important is the fruit is easy to carved with fine blade. Beside the fruit mention above, some of vegetable also used. the fruit must be soft in texture, not to over riped. fruit may be carved directly with the skin on or without the skin depend on the motif. Each fruit has difference texture and color. It will give difference combination of color. some fruit may not been carved but added to enhance the display. Fruit like grapes, pineapple, berries and others small fruit will give difrence impact to the display.

How to do it.
To get the skill, a person need to understand the concept of work, the fruit, and able to play and control the knife. but the most important is mastering the technique which can be learn and practice. beside that observation also is part of the skill. it may take months, even years to master it. some person even customize their tool and technique in order to get the most out of it. it include the knife, motif and display stand. In the past, people learn to carved from other person but now day lot of fruit carving book has been publish. With this an Culinary artist may understand and get the picture of what their carving. All in all learning carving the fruit need to be guide by master or advance carver.
Papaya being carved.
This papaya are carved during single fruit carving competition using custom knife.

Display of Fine Fruit Carving
proper displaying the carving will look nice.

Set of Complete Tools
What a collection. tools help to easy the carver but ideas and skill need to be develop by practice.

Basic Set of Carving Knife
All the basic tool you need to start carving.

Book that available in book store
Content of this book will let you understand step by step the the technique to carved the fruit. It also content lot of pattern and motive. Useful as reference also.

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